The Wolf Prince - Karen Kelley More of a 3.5. Too bad the first two weren't as good. And... who is Alvin and what did he do to deserve getting a bad guy "named" after him (Nivla)?

The H startled the heck out of the h who conked him over the head. He had amnesia then, which allowed us, the readers, to skip the whole "I'm NOT an alien and I'm NOT going back with you because I have a LIFE!" argument (which seemed to always end rather unbelievably suddenly). By the time he figured out who he was, he thought she was dead.

I did find some amusement about the fact that the exchange took place on Rovertia. Would have been truly funny if a future h turned out to be half Nerakian. Of course, that leads to some questions since in the last book of THAT series, the US was well aware of life "out there" and had a working relationship with Nerak. So why were the MIB "experimenting" on Symtarians? Seems like they should have been attempting to recruit a few instead of kill them.

There was another question - Rogar's spirit guide was a black Jaguar. Nothing ever gave me the impression Balam was female. And yet, when he was in his animal in THIS book, the cat was referred to as a she. Or... was he the unicorn (which wouldn't have made sense since he was a cat in the first one.) Some confusion/inconsistency there.