Dragon Unbound - Katie MacAlister

Better than I expected. The h knows what she is, and is trying to hide while singing in a band of crooks who use her abilities to enthrall people for various reasons. They have the brilliant idea of doing this to dragons. How they know these are dragons is not said.


First Dragon finds himself remaining on the mortal plain on a bet or something. The h's attempt works on everyone but him. He finds her fascinating.


Of interest here is a reader's guide of sorts - it's short, basically outlining the septs and their leaders. The blue dragon is still unattached. Guess the series isn't through after all.


Also included is a short on Jim's vacation that wasn't. Poor thing got sent to the Akasha by a vengeful Guardian in training. He made his way out, but didn't get to spend any time with Celia the Corgi.