Only Lycans Need Apply - Michele Bardsley

Lets see... It's been a long time since I visited this series. Too long. See, I strongly prefer to read books in dead tree format, and for some very strange reason, none of the *3* booksamillion, nor the barnes and noble ever stocked this. They have others in the series. I finally caved and ordered it from Amazon - after it had been out for 2 years. So... I spent a good bit of time trying to remember the who/what/when/and where of the series.


Also don't remember that the others were in first person, but that might just be a memory short circuit.


Our h has been on a quest she inherited - to find the lost pyramid containing 2 of the missing Ancients. She just doesn't know it. She also doesn't know she's The Last Unicorn (cue ancient cartoon here). Drake and co save her from being kidnapped, glamour her so she'll forget, rescue her from being kidnapped, and... Woohoo happens at the behest of the pyramid - sex magic you see.


Issues - she didn't know what she was. How was it that her rescuers didn't notice that little oddness? They thought her human. How? She's not purebred unicorn, but all unicorns are female. Uh.... (this, btw, was used as a reason why she couldn't shift)


In the end, the H informs her "they aren't through" (of course not; he's a werewolf and he's found his mate), the bad buy is vanquished, her friend is rescued, Patsy and Gabriel are gifted with the special prize the bad guy was after. The end. Hurray.